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Before We Begin: Feedback

This book is intentionally written in a style that is different from most introductory textbooks on electronics. The goal is to provide the same information in a different way, with the hope that it will aid in understanding the subject.  This approach should also be helpful to those who have some background in electronics and are in need of a refresher on the subject.

The approach taken carries with it some risk and your feedback would be appreciated.  If you find that coverage of a particular subject is too brief, or too long, please let me know.  If the organization of the material prevented you from following what was said, please let me know.  If you find an error, by all means, let me know.

Any feedback would be appreciated.  The more detailed the feedback, the better chance I have of correcting the problem.  Please email your comments and thoughts by following the “Contact” link at the bottom of the page.

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copyright © 2021 John Miskimins